The passage of the Bioterrorism Act of 2002 provided funding to all states for bioterrorism (BT) preparedness through a cooperative agreement program operated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The agreement provides support to state and selected local health departments in the following areas:
Preparedness planning and readiness assessment
Establish strategic leadership, direction, assessment, and coordination of activities within the jurisdiction.
Surveillance and epidemiology capacity:
Enable state and local health departments to enhance, design, and develop systems for rapid detection of unusual outbreaks that may be the result of bioterrorism.
Laboratory capacity-biological agents
Ensure that core diagnostic capabilities for bioterrorism agents are available at all state and major city/county public health laboratories.
Laboratory capacity-chemical agents
Ensure that core diagnostic capabilities for chemical agents are available at all state and major city / county public health laboratories.
Health Alert Network / Communications and Information Technology
Enable state and local public health agencies to establish and maintain a network that will:
Support exchange of key information and training by linking public health and private partners
Provide rapid dissemination of public health advisories to news media and the public
Ensure secure electronic data exchanges
Ensure protection of data, information, and systems, with adequate backup, organizational capacity, and surge capacity
Risk Communication and Health Information Dissemination
Ensure that state and local public health organizations develop an effective risk-communication capacity that provides for timely information dissemination to the public during a bioterrorist attack.
Education and Training: Ensure that state and local health departments have the capacity to:
Access the training needs for key public health and clinical care providers in their jurisdictions
Ensure that education and training are provided to key target audiences
Family Emergency Plan for Children
Family Emergency Plan for Adults
for Older Americans. Get Ready Now.
Safeguarding Valuables in an Emergency
Emergency Preparation for Pet Owners
Prepare for Emergencies Now: Information for People with Disabilities
Prepare For Emergencies Now: Information For Older Americans.
CDC Emergency Preparedness & Response

The Sherman County Health Department is a member of the West Central Public Health Initative. This is a regional partnership promoting professional response to Public Health Events.