Child Care and Child Care Licensing
There are many excellent child care providers in Sherman County.
While the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), in conjunction with local health departments, seeks to assure that child care sites are safe and healthy places for children, the regulations for providers are only minimum standards.
Many other things go into making a good child care choice. This means parents have a large responsibility in selecting a child care site they feel good about, can trust, is safe, and is the right fit for their child.
Here are some resources that will help you in your childcare search:
Contact Child Care Aware for childcare information.
Use this Child Care Checklist
If you have a concern, question, or complaint about a child care provider, whether you are a parent, grandparent, or a concerned citizen, call or email:
Rhea Daise

Interested in becoming a Child Care Provider?
Visit KDHE Child Care Licensing for rules and regulations and application information?
Call the Sherman County Health Department to schedule a new provider orientation. 785.890.4888